Exciting news! Parryi has joined RRM Design Group

click the link below to learn more and to get in contact with Katie and her team.

It all begins with an idea. Whether you want to remodel or build from the ground up…

we are here for you.

As a full-service design studio we offer consultation, concept design, construction documents and construction administration.


We connect via phone or in-person to discuss your hopes, dreams, and goals for your space at no cost. Then we offer a professional proposal specific to your project scope. Prior to meeting, we request you fill out this questionnaire.

Design Services

concept design

This is the fun part, where we dream big and provide a vision for your project. We prepare preliminary plans to communicate our ideas for the function of spaces, materials, style, and plant palette for your feedback.

design development + construction documents

This is where the fine-tuning happens, where we get into the details. This stage provides construction drawings for permit (if needed) and for the contractor to bid. Depending on the scope of work, plan sets include hardscape & layout, construction details, landscape lighting, irrigation, and planting plans.

permitting (if needed)

We offer services to prepare and submit plans per jurisdiction requirements.

Construction Services

construction administration

Review Contractor bids with Client, coordinate with contractor existing site conditions, design intent, site observation during construction for hardscape, planting, irrigation, etc.

additional services

+ Irrigation Schedule & Maintenance Plans - Upon request, we can provide a personalized irrigation schedule and maintenance plan tailored to your space.

+ Plant sourcing & supply 

+ fixtures & Furnishings Plan - we provide specifications and purchase pots, furniture, and anything that may complete the design and give it that final sparkle